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Halo Index*

Halo Index Provides a Cumulative Trending Assessment of the Global Patient Status

PSN Patient Monitor
> Physiologic deterioration often occurs long before a patient crisis and manifests through subtle and often undetected changes in multiple physiologic parameters.
> Masimo designed Halo Index to mimic the systematic approach that expert clinicians use in assessing patient physiologic deterioration – analysing the patient history and extracting key vital sign parameter characteristics to assess global patient status.
> Halo Index currently uses available Masimo parameters but is scalable to include additional information from the patient data repository.
> Each parameter’s significance is weighted and combined into the Halo Index, a single displayed number with a range from 0 to 100 that provides a cumulative trending assessment of global patient status.
> Increases in Halo Index suggest physiologic deterioration and may indicate a need for clinicians to more closely assess the patient.
  • * Pending US 510(k) Clearance